We believe that God loves everyone, no exceptions.  
We share the love that God has shown us through Christ Jesus in many ways, both within our community and with the world around us.

We are a people of common prayer.
We know that prayer shapes believing. We come together as people from a variety of backgrounds and share in worship together. We take worship seriously as it grounds us in our relationship with God and our neighbor. Our worship is done in set formats, found within the Book of Common Prayer, knowing that we share the same prayers not only with others across the world, but with faithful people of generations past. Our prayer connects us together, even amidst difference.

Our worship looks different from some other traditions. If this type of worship is new to you, you can follow along and participate as you feel comfortable using the service bulletin that our greeters will provide when you arrive. You can also simply be present and let the prayers of the congregation carry you in worship.

We serve the word around us.
At the end of worship, we are sent into the world to do God’s work. We take the tasks of the Church seriously, to care for the poor, hungry, and all those in need, to strive for justice, and to respect the dignity of all human beings. We have collective church projects, like Laundry Love and our Blessing Box, which provide for those who need clean clothes and a bite to eat, but we also serve the world in individual ways, living into our unique callings and gifts.

We are open to questions.
Whether they are questions about our worship and beliefs, questions about God, or questions about how we relate to each other, we are eager to share them together. We don’t pretend to have all the answers. We believe that the process of exploring the questions deepens our relationship with God and each other.

Worship Services

For in-person worship, you may either sit in the nave (main worship space) or in our memorial garden.

Livestreaming is available on our Facebook and YouTube pages.

Holy Communion: Sunday 10:30 am, Thursday Noon
Evening Prayer: Mon-Thursday 4:30pm

Clergy and Staff

  • The Reverend Zebulun (Zeb) Treloar

    Rector and Campus Minister

    Office Hours: Mon-Wed 9:30 am- 4:30 pm, Thurs 1-4:30 pm
    Pastoral Care Phone Number: (270) 551-2203
    Email: fatherzeb@gmail.com

  • The Venerable Rose Bogal-Allbritten


    Phone Number: (270) 293-9490
    Email: rosebogal@gmail.com

  • Ann Gosser

    Parish Administrator

    Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am-12:00 pm
    Phone Number: (270) 753-6908
    Email: stjohnsmurray@gmail.com

  • June Saville

    Nursery Supervisor
    May be contacted through our Church Office.

  • Elliot Wright

    May be Contacted through our Church Office.

  • Additional Staff Members:

    Sexton: Kim Greene