St. John's is a community that is grounded in and sustained by our worship of God. Come to one of our Sunday worship services, and you'll quickly notice that we engage our whole selves in the worship of God. Our nave (the worship space) is decorated with stained glass, colorful hangings, candles, and crosses. These set the space apart for reverent yet joyful worship and give us visual reminders of Jesus' love, the beauty of creation, and divine mystery that is God.
We also engage our voices in our worship. We offer up hymns sung by all, anthems from the choir, and chanted prayers led by the priest. Our prayers are not offered by the clergy alone. Worship in our tradition is shared by the whole congregation, so everyone takes part in the service.
If you come from a different faith tradition, or haven't been a part of a church community before, don't worry; you'll receive a service bulletin from one of our greeters when you join us for Sunday worship. The bulletin contains the whole service, so you won't get lost. Even if you do, the friendly people worshiping with you are always happy to help you feel at home.
Though Holy Eucharist (Communion) on Sunday is the high-point of our worship each week, our relationship with Christ Jesus is strengthened and deepened by prayer throughout the week. Members of our community pray in private, with their families, or join us in-person or online for the service of Evening Prayer throughout the week. God is always present, so our goal as Christians is to offer up our whole lives in worship to God.
Holy Eucharist (Communion): Sunday 10:30 am, Wednesday Noon
Evening Prayer: M-Th 4:30