Spring 2025 Schedule
Weekly Events & Activities
Wednesdays with ECM St. John’s Parish Hall
4:30 - 5:00 Snacks & Hangout
5:00 - 5:45 Bible Study - We are doing a slow reading through the Gospel of Mark! We’re committed to making this as college student-friendly as possible, so you can join at any point of the semester, and you won’t need to worry about falling behind if you aren’t able to make it every week. The study will be completely contained within this 45-minute block; we will not ask you to do extra readings/homework.
T-Room Lunch - Let us buy your lunch from Tres Habaneros, Mein Bowl, Sub Connections, Chick-fil-a, or Market 22 on Fridays at 11:30. See you in Curris!
Sundays @ St. John’s - Join us for 10:30 worship and/or Coffee Hour (heavy snacks and socializing) immediately after worship!
Faculty Advisor: Michelle Panchuk mpanchuk@murraystate.edu
President: Katherine(Kat) Stark kstark2@murraystate.edu
Vice President & Vestry Representative: Sydney Littrell slittrell1@murraystate.edu
Secretary: AnnaBelle Mills amills23@murraystate.edu
Special Events & Activities
Packing Backpacks for Needline - Tuesday, February 18, 5:30pm in the Parrish Hall
More events & details coming soon!
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GroupMe is the best way to stay up-to-date with ECM.
We are a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky open to all students at Murray State University.
Our campus ministry is a part of the Safe Zone Project. As a Safe Zone participant, we can help you connect with resources on campus to address problems you may face that interfere with your academic and social success on campus as it relates to issues surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity.
Bluegrass Rainbow Faith Communities 2021 Directory
You can access the Interfaith Directory of Open, Welcoming & LGBTQ+ Affirming KY congregations, & Faith Based Resources here.
A conversation about Religious Trauma with Alicia Crosby, MDiv, recorded April 2022