Why I Give

By Susanne D'AngeloYears ago, I was always having financial problems no matter how hard I tried to save my money.  A very good friend told me, “if you will give to the Lord first, you will have more.”. It was hard to believe but I was willing to try.  Amazingly, after pledging to do so and giving to God first, I always had enough and most times extra.Years later, after Michael and I were married, it was my turn to tell him this.  He was uncomfortable pledging a “fixed” amount but he has since become a believe er also.St. John's is my spiritual family and has done so much for meand made me feel so at home.  I want to give all I can, not only financially but also through the gifts God has given me.Being a servant, whether through teaching Sunday School, making shawls for those in need, working at the community kitchen, singing in the choir, or giving financially, I have been so blessed at St. John's.  That is why I choose to make a pledge during this stewardship campaign.


Pledge Online NowYour gifts this year are so important to the life of your church community. When you give, you support Christian education for adults and children. You buy flowers for the alter, baptismal cakes to celebrate new members, and oil for the candles. You pay the electric bills. Your pledge to St. John's makes all the difference in the world. Pledge cards will be going out soon, or you can submit your pledge online through the following form. Thank you for being such an important part of the St. John's family.


The Sermon for October 22, 2017


Why I Give