2019 Parish Fellowship Weekend

Our 2nd Annual Parish Fellowship Weekend at All Saints is June 22nd and 23rd with an option of arriving on Friday June 21st.  Plan to  check in by Saturday at 11 with lunch to follow at 12 noon.  There will be  a lifeguard at the pool that afternoon for swimming.  You can also canoe or hike.  Contact Father Matt if you’d like information about retreat or self reflective ideas for the weekend.  Please bring a board or card game to share if you wish.  We will have a bonfire Saturday evening. Our time together will conclude on Sunday after Eucharist and brunch.  Check out time is 3pm.  Contact me for pricing if you would like to come up on Friday.  Meal availability will depend on the number of people planning to arrive on Friday. Contact me with any food allergies or dietary restrictions.  Pricing for Saturday and Sunday is $67 per person for shared room or $94 per person for private room.  This includes three meals.  Make your check payable to St. John’s with “Fellowship Weekend” in the memo line.  There will be a sign up sheet on the glass top table.  Please sign up by May 15th. Please contact me with any questions.  I am looking forward to this time of fellowship and worship at All Saints. Angie Mills270-350-2833


"Peace Be With You"


"The Lord is Risen Indeed!"