West Kentucky Pride Festival

544CE659-8123-444F-B547-4122DB6D0FB0Pride is Sat August 24th 10:30-7:00 and Sunday the 25th from 10:30 to 2:00 pm on Paducah’s riverfront. St. John’s Episcopal has a booth.This is an exciting event and opportunity not only for the lgbtq within our church family. This is a great opportunity to show your support with consensual mom, dad, bro, sis hugs as a tradition among the allies of our movement. Also, a great time to let the lgbtq community that they are welcome at our church. St. John’s is not only a place where the community is not only accepted, but belong and have a place at our table because God loves you, no exceptions.You can message Maddie Leach at dennie753@gmail.com to sign up for times to be at the table. If you don’t want to sign up for a time but still show up you will be welcomed.


Backpack Blessing


"Jesus the Pioneer