Lenten Outreach Project

labeled can lot on shelvesLent is a time we can choose to do something new. Each year St. John's chooses an organization to help each during Lent. This year our Lenten Outreach Project will support Helping Hands of Trigg County. Helping Hands is a not for profit organization that is dedicated to helping the less fortunate people of our community to live and thrive with dignity. Helping Hands offers a food bank for the residents of Trigg County. We will partner with the Girl Scouts of Trigg County's annual Scouting for Food Drive. Canned goods such as canned meat, beef stew, and peanut butter are the most needed items but any non perishable items are welcome. There will be a box for these items in the old parish hall. You can also make a check out to St. John's and put "Helping Hands" in the memo line. Contact Angie Mills with any questions at 270-350-2833.


Christian Formation Calendar Update


St. John's Camp Fund