March 15th Service

Dear Friends in Christ,After participating in an 1 1/2 hour long Zoom conference with Canon Amy Coultas and Diocesan clergy and speaking with senior warden Sharon Hart, we have decided to cancel the March 15th Sunday service (as are the majority of congregations in the Diocese). We will, however, have Morning Prayer live-streamed (directions will be sent later) and we will email a bulletin to everyone in our Google group and email group so that you can participate on Sunday morning. Please remember that we can still be a congregation, praying for one another, even if we are not in the same room. If you have pastoral care needs or know of anyone who does, please let me know.God's peace,RoseClick here for the service bulletin for March 15, 2020Streaming Instructions:We will start broadcasting using Facebook Live at approximately 10:25 AM. If you have a Facebook account, open Facebook and go to our Facebook Page. You may need to click on Videos in the list on the left side of your screen. You may need to refresh your screen. I just tested this and the new video will appear. If you don't have a Facebook Account, you can use this link to go to Facebook. No account is needed. click on Videos in the list on the left of your screen. Ignore the sign in/create account popup. You may need refresh your screen.


Spring Gathering Cancellation


2020 Parish Retreat